Thursday, June 9, 2011


                So I’m chillin in my room with my friend, Omar, last night thinking of a name for my blog, and I ask him what I should name it. He's being stupid and he yells out "!" Then today I was like "Yo I thought of a name for my blog" and he goes "dude you're not gonna call it yourdick in my mouth?????" .........I'm not putting anything in my mouth bro....what a homo. [ more]

               Welcome, Welcome. What do you think? "That’s what shinny said”, “That's what she said”. Do you get it? HAHAHA. Believe it or not, that took me a really long time to think of. My biggest reason for starting this blog is probably that it’s really just something to DO. I feel like I use my Facebook as blog anyways, so I should really just have an actual blog. Along with how bored I get late at night. I’ll be posting about things that I think, see, and feel during the day. The biggest part about this for me is being myself. I’m not like an extreme blogger or anything but I do keep up with a handful. I feel like a lot of blogs I read people try to sound like somebody else. They always try to use big words they don't normally use and try to sound all classy. Like if I really met you in person and I talked to you, would you really talk to me like that? I might just be stupid and classless, I don’t know…but when you guys read my blog, you will be reading something from Shinny. Not Websters thesaurus.  I’m not some expert blogger so bear with me…and please if you don’t like what you’re reading, just don’t read it. Just forget you ever saw  this page. Remember, everything on here is just my opinion.
               Since my blog is called what it is, I feel like it would make sense to make it the subject of my first post. For those who don’t know everyone but my mom and dad calls me Shinny (they call me Danny). Besides the obvious reason ,my last name, as to why people call me shinny,  believe it or not there is a single person behind it all. My friend  Michelle Chun. AHAHA. It sucks because I don’t even talk to Michelle anymore, still a very good friend though. She started calling me shinny in high school mostly because I think there were two Daniels in our circle of friends and she got tired of both of us turning around when she called one of us. The guys used to call me shin and the girls used to call me shinny, but eventually everybody just started using shinny. You guys know how the rest goes. You start getting introduced to people as your nickname and before you know it people only know you as Shinny. Literally some people do not even know my real name is Daniel. “Your name is Daniel?!??” They think my name is Shinny Shin. Which is ridiculous.  Or they think I just have one name, they say "oooooh i thought your name was just shinny!" and i ask them "like mclovin?" and then they get all excited, "YEEEEAH LIKE MCLOOOVIN!!" -.- incase you’re wondering, that’s what a shinny is. I guess that just about wraps it up. So if you’re bored come through. You might find something you like…………..That’s what shinny said.

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