Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Living in Vegas has opened my eyes to a lot of things. One of them being the power a girl holds with her looks alone(where else can you make a 6 figure salary being a cocktail waitress?). I see it happen every weekend. They send the ugly girls to the back of the line (or just ignore them completely.), and the good looking ones get right in, no questions asked. The girls walk up to the bouncer, throws in a few "handsome", "baby", and "honey's" in a sentence and they're in there like swimwear. It's pretty sad actually. They just eat it up. What? You just think you're just that cool, that ALL the hot girls in Vegas like you? Put your boner away man. Guys probably have it the worst though. First of all, taking in the fact that 90% of the girls in the club don't pay to get in anyway, why is the cover for a male more than a female? Is it because we take up more space than girls do? Guys are the ones spending all their money in the club, give them a break. It's a business though, I understand.............I guess.When I first moved here and I didn't know who to call to get into a club, I dealt with my fair share of "You need to have some girls with you guys", and I cannot tell you how many times I've played this scene back in my head.

So next time you get sent away by a bouncer, let him know whats really good.

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